Introducing our 2025 Intro-Fellowship!

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Do you want to learn more about positive impact and delve into some of the most pressing issues in the world today? If so, the 6-week Positive Impact intro fellowship is perfect for you! 

Throughout the fellowship, you will learn how to make a change most effectively, and how to spot opportunities for effectively improving the world. You will also engage in career planning, and try to figure out how to use your skills as best as possible to find a career with a positive impact on the world. The PISE fellowship is based on discussions, visiting speakers, and weekly readings. It attracts ambitious students who want to make a change in the world, and completing the fellowship opens up a multitude of opportunities for career- and personal development. Some of these include research opportunities, access to global conferences and workshops, and valuable connections from all over the world. 

The Fellowship starts on the 6th of February and will be running every week on Thursdays, with a break around the busiest exam time.

The 6 weeks are structured in a way where we will go over different themes each week. 

Week 1: Learning about cognitive biases and how to think more rationally, and about the basics of Effective Altruism and how to adopt an effectiveness mindset. 

Week 2: Focusing on the cause area of Global health and development, and how to most effectively make a change in the poorest countries in the world. 

Week 3: We will be discussing the concept of expanding our moral circle and the Animal Welfare cause area.  

Week 4: Learning about existential risks and how to prevent them, and learning about how to approach choosing a positive impact career.

Week 5: Longtermism and outlook for the future, also time to work on the project for week 6.

Week 6: Completion of your chosen project, and career coaching session. You will also receive your diploma and we will have a celebration dinner.


Uganda Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Initiative