EA UnConference


When: Saturday, 25th May

Where: EAN Office (HNK office in Amsterdam, Van Diemenstraat 92)

What: Workshops, talks, or feedback on a variety of EA topics, slightly more advanced than EAGx level. For an example schedule, see the linked document in the registration form.

Participants are invited to host their own sessions! Email soem@pm.me for questions.

Contribution: We ask for a small contribution to cover e.g. rent and snacks. €10 for a regular ticket and €30 for a benefactor ticket.


Make sure to register through THIS LINK! (https://airtable.com/appaf2uhiV1K794x1/shrcQ5JuM3TcRDWW7)

Deadline registration = 17 May end of day.

(An Eventbrite ticket is not needed and not sufficient. 🚨 No participation without registration!)

Plan for the day:

• Walk-in (optional) 9:00 - 9:45

• Opening & speeddating: 9:45 - 10:30

• Participant-driven sessions take place 10:45 - 15:15

• Deep-dive sessions and putting ideas into practice happen between 15:30 - 18:00

• Pizza & drinks program (optional) starting at 18:00

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out: soem@pm.me


International Day @Eurekaweek


Discussion Night