EA Unconference

You are invited to join us for the inaugural EA Unconference in The Netherlands on Saturday, 4th November at the EAN Office in Amsterdam (Van Diemenstraat 92)! This is a participant-driven event for EAs and is slightly more advanced than an EAGx. The goal is to deepen your knowledge, build skills for tackling the world’s wickedest problems, and use them to collaborate on projects! For an example schedule, see this document: https://bit.ly/3LTPvfk.

The day starts with a walk-in between 9:00-10:00, and the action-oriented part ends at around 18:00. Afterward, there is an evening program with food and drinks in the city center.

You can sign up by 30th October using this form: https://bit.ly/eaunconference. We ask for a personal contribution of €7,50 to cover food for the day.




Graduation Day